Game Show Showdown

Event Recap

Game Show Showdown was so much fun! The women had a great time coming up with their team names and chants, as well as playing various team games. The series of games consisted of Taboo and Scattergories with various interesting twists on them, as well as a musical variant of Minute To Win It!

Then, we heard a testimonial from Kristen on how she has been applying the lesson on “Artificial Love.” Kristen shared her desire to be pleasing to God in her thought life and how she has been able to grow in being quick to confess and repent from impure thoughts. Additionally, she shared how she wants to be God-glorifying in all of her thoughts by filtering them through Philippians 4:8.

Afterwards, Meg gave a testimonial on “Comfort in God’s Love” and how during difficult circumstances we often turn to other things or ourselves for comfort instead of turning to God. Often, this is because we have an incorrect and legalistic view of God. God will not punish us for our sin, but is instead overflowing with mercy and grace toward us (Psalm 103:8-13). As Christians, we can find comfort in knowing that we are secure in Christ. Christ has already taken on the punishment for our sins, so we can draw close to God and find comfort in His mercy. Not only has God done so much for us, but He is continually near to us and sovereignly working for our good in the midst of every circumstance that we face! What a blessing it is to have lasting comfort in God’s character!

Event Testimonial

Here's what our sister, Cheryl, learned!
"What fun competition there was at the Women’s Game Show Showdown!  Meg shared a devotional on “Comfort in His Love,” where she taught on how we can find comfort in God’s love during trials and repentance. Our Lord is compassionate, gracious, patient, abounding in lovingkindness, and has forgiven all believers of sin! Next time I face failure, it is so comforting to know that I can ask for forgiveness from God, knowing that He has already forgiven me of my sin and desires for me to walk in righteousness with Him!"
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