
Devoted to Purity

Event Recap

“Devoted to Purity” was a wonderful lesson taught by Judy on the importance of sexual purity and how to pursue it in our daily lives. Judy started the lesson by presenting the grossness of the world’s celebration of sexual sin and comparing the spread of sexual immorality within the church to a pandemic. After those sobering thoughts, Judy pointed us to 1 Thessalonians 4:1-8, which states that God calls us to sanctification, not impurity. Impurity, which includes all sexual sin, is a blatant rejection of God’s will for us. But as true believers, Christ has saved us from sin, and we can fight to be devoted to the purity we are all called to!

Judy exhorted us to flee from impurity, as even for believers who are saved from sin, impurity has terrible and lasting effects. This includes the effect on our thought lives, filling our heads with lustful thoughts rather than with the excellent and pure things Philippians 4:8 commands us to meditate on. Impurity can also affect our understanding of sex and can leave a stain on marriage itself, making the sex that should be pure and God-glorifying shameful and disappointing. But despite the heavy consequences of impurity, we can be encouraged that God gives us hope and the means to pursue and devote ourselves to purity. God empowers true believers to combat temptation daily by heeding Scripture’s command to flee from immorality (1 Corinthians 6:18). Judy also gave some practical examples on how to fight impurity, such as memorizing verses that combat impurity, not sitting idly such as to allow ourselves to sin, and setting boundaries to keep ourselves far away from tempting situations like explicit movies and media. We can also pursue holiness by constantly reading and praying, humbly receiving correction and accountability from others, and doing everything for the glory of God (1 Corinthians 10:31).

Judy closed the lesson by encouraging us of the certainty of victory in Christ because He died for us and forgave all our sin. We can take comfort that true victory is not based on our own strength and control but on what Christ has already done. So, even in times when you do fail, don’t be discouraged, but take hope and keep trying! Let us diligently apply this lesson by taking sexual sin seriously and devoting ourselves to purity together.

Event Testimonial

Here's what our sister Chenille learned:
"At Cornerstone, Judy gave a lesson on an important and infrequently discussed topic: purity. I learned that purity is holiness and blamelessness before God, and that we are called to do two things that go hand-in-hand: flee from sin and pursue righteousness (1 Timothy 6:11). In our group discussion, I shared about the comforts of not having to do things alone, having the support of our sisters in Christ and the guidance of the Holy Spirit. In our battle against immorality, we can depend on one another for help, joyful and certain in the Lord's victory against sin."
Here's a promotional video for Devoted to Purity:
To listen to the lesson, please click here!

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