We have a new address! Redeemer's Grace Church (8283 Ronson Rd, San Diego, CA 92111)

About Kainos

"Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation. The old has passed away; behold, the new has come."

2 Corinthians 5:17

Kainos is the name of the women’s ministry at Redeemer’s Grace Church. The word "kainos" is the Greek word for "new" and is found in 2 Corinthians 5:17 which talks about Christians being a new creature in Christ.

Kainos exists to train up the women to be theologically excellent and emotionally stable; to help them develop biblical friendships in the church as they teach, encourage, care, and disciple others; to challenge them to make evangelism a part of their daily lives; and to promote growth and worship by having a high view of God’s Word, teaching them sound doctrine, and how to accurately apply God’s Word.

We have various events throughout the year to build up the women of our church to stand firm in the Bible in the midst of a changing world. We know that in today's society that the biblical view of women is constantly being distorted and we strive to teach our women about biblical womanhood!

Get Involved

Women of Gold is a series where we learn more about how we can be godly women who are excellent and faithful in all areas of our lives! This year's theme is "Women of Impact"!
Designed for Beauty is a program where we learn more about God's design for beauty in our pursuit of holiness and purity. This year’s theme is "Beauty of Newness"!
Join us for Women’s Conference from April 4-6, 2025 for an exciting weekend of biblical teaching on the theme of “Fake.” Registration is now open. Sign up today!
See recaps, photos, and testimonials of the sweet fellowship and time in the Word we had at our summer events, learning about humility we ought to have before God and before others.
Cornerstone is a teaching series where we tackle major issues Christian women face today. This year’s Cornerstone theme is "Distortions of the Truth"!
Women's Fellowship is a teaching series in which the women learn from God's Word and enjoy fellowship with one another. This year's theme is "Daily Choices for Godly Living."
At these events, we cover essential topics that are not part of regularly occurring events, teaching series, or conferences. Our most recent lesson was titled "Turning Regret into Faith"!
Motherhood Together is an opportunity for moms with young children to build friendships and learn parenting principles! We meet every first and third Thursday for community group and regularly have outings.


At RGC, we have a discipleship program in which an older woman in the faith teaches a younger Christian.
Please fill out the contact form below if you are interested in being discipled.

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