"Your word is a lamp to my feet; And a light to my path."
Psalm 119:105
Friday Night Bible Studies
At Redeemer’s Grace Church, we have the privilege of offering two different Bible study series on Fridays! Flock Groups occur every Friday, except the first Friday of school-year months when we host Doubt Nights.
Flocks Bible Study
Flock Groups are in depth Bible studies hosted at two different locations in San Diego. Our Home Flock Group is studying 2 Corinthians, while our UCSD Campus Flock Group is going through the gospel of John. Come join us for time in God's Word together and wonderful fellowship with one another!
The purpose of Flocks Bible Study is to dive deep into the Word of God in an unbiased and intentional way. We start with observations of the text and study the context of the Scripture to interpret the author’s original intent. This methodical way of studying is far from mundane! Learning what God declares in His Word has serious implications for our daily lives and transforms our relationship with Him. Our goal is to help shape the way you read God’s Word daily.
The purpose of Flocks Bible Study is to dive deep into the Word of God in an unbiased and intentional way. We start with observations of the text and study the context of the Scripture to interpret the author’s original intent. This methodical way of studying is far from mundane! Learning what God declares in His Word has serious implications for our daily lives and transforms our relationship with Him. Our goal is to help shape the way you read God’s Word daily.
Doubt Night
Doubt Nights are topical studies of common questions to Christianity. We go through the Scriptures and seek to find how to answer those questions as well as be able to present the Gospel to anyone who may come to visit or check out our Doubt Night Bible study. RGC seeks to build its members through these topical studies to equip them with tools to help build their biblical worldview!
Where do we meet?
Our two groups meet in Sorrento Valley and on UCSD campus at Center Hall (by the Spheres) at 7:15pm. Please fill out the form below for more information or to find out which location works best for you!
Which location group do I join?
Come join us for both Flocks Bible Study and our Doubt Night series; they are open to everyone! We try to place you in a group that best suits you; if you are a UCSD student, we recommend you join the on-campus group. Please do not hesitate to contact us if you have any questions about Flock Groups or Doubt Nights!