Retreats & Conferences

For our 2024 All Church Retreat, we had the privilege to learn about the call to evangelize and spread God’s Truth to all the nations, starting with the ones around us.

Our speakers shared from God's Word on how we can be faithful ambassadors of Christ as we learned about the topic of, "Spreading Fire."  Check out our media page to hear those sermons.

Check back later for the dates of our 2025 All Church Retreat.
For more information, contact
Join us for our Rock Solid Marriage Retreat! This is a fun time for our Rock Solid ministry to engage thoughtfully in Biblical fellowship and teachings. For our 2023 retreat, we went through the theme of "Thriving as One." Check out our media page to hear the messages.

Check back later for more information about our 2024 retreat happening in the summer, and be excited for the retreat's theme of "The Song of Love" and messages on the book of Song of Solomon! 
For more information, contact
RGC Reliant Youth Ministry had a blast at our 2024 Reliant Youth Retreat learning about the theme of "Love Gone Wrong." People are continually noticing that there is something wrong with the world's idea of love. Many have questions such as: "What's wrong with love today?," "What does love really mean?," or "Am I really showing and practicing love?" These are important questions which today’s youth are desperately seeking answers to, and we are thankful for the opportunity to learn what the Bible has to say about these questions! This 2-day retreat was filled with multiple Bible-based messages, opportunities to build friendships with one another, and fun activities at different locations around San Diego!

Dates: February 23-24, 2024
Check back later for the dates of our 2025 Reliant Youth Retreat.

Check out the media page to listen to lessons from our 202r Reliant Youth Retreat on the topic of "Love Gone Wrong"
For more information, contact
We were blessed to host our 2023 College And Young Singles Retreat where we learned about God's love and how are we SO LOVED by Him. Check out our media page to hear those sermons.

Check back later for more information on our 2024 CAYS retreat!
For more information, contact
Women’s Conference 2024 was on the topic of "Mesmerent: Resisting Enticement." We had a great time learning how to be alert and equipped to resist mesmerents in our lives. Check out a recap, testimonial, and photos of the sweet time we had at Women's Conference.

Stay tuned for more information on our next Women's Conference in April 2025! 
For more information, contact
Men's Conference will be May 3-5, 2024 at the beautiful Palomar Christian Conference Center, with 7 messages on "A Man of the Gap". We will tie together everything we are studying this year regarding stewardship, as we see the faithfulness of a steward in action.

We must be men who the Lord can depend on in any and every situation, ready to fill in for any need or gap that arises. Therefore, godly men must be faithful, dependable, and reliable if they hope to be effective. Stay tuned for more information!
For more information, contact
Check out our audio page for previous retreat recordings.
Women's Conference 2022
All Church Retreat 2022
College and Young Singles Retreat 2022
Men's Conference 2024
Fall Retreat 2019
Women's Conference 2022