Kainos Summer

Women's Craft Night

Event Recap

The women had a fun time crafting lanterns and Bible verse cards at Women’s Craft Night! It was a wonderful evening of fellowship over a potluck dinner, crafts, a testimonial, and a devotional.

After fueling up with dinner, we took up our glue, pens, and scissors to make some crafts! One of the crafts was a paper lantern which we could use to decorate our homes beautifully with a pop of color. The other craft was a Bible verse card packet. We chose cardstock papers with cute designs and wrote encouraging verses on them, decorating with colorful washi tape. There were also small, metal rings, for hanging the cards together on—useful for keeping these verses on hand in a purse or back pocket!

But the verse packets were not our only taste of the Word for the night; we had the privilege of hearing a devotional on “Hope in Prayer” by Keila! She encouraged us with Hannah’s example in 1 Samuel 1:9-11 and how she prayed to the Lord with confidence because she knew who God was. Knowing that God is sovereign, good, and loving gives us hope because it reminds us that He will always hear and answer our prayers perfectly!

We were also blessed to hear a testimonial from our sister Caroline about our church’s Motherhood Together ministry. Caroline shared about how she had seen the fruit of the outreach efforts of the moms at our church, namely in a few of the women who had joined our church because of it. Praise the Lord for growing His church!

We had a ton of fun at Women’s Craft Night, and we look forward to seeing you at the next summer event!

Event Testimonial

Here's what our sister Hannah learned:
"Women’s Craft Night was so much fun! Really appreciated the sweet time of fellowship, having dinner with sisters, and making crafts. Keila’s devotional of Hope in Prayer was very encouraging and challenged me to think more about how God cares and other attributes of God while praying. I loved her use of Hannah in 1 Samuel as an example of someone who had real problems, intense emotions, and no ability to conceive yet she depended not on her feelings or herself. She instead put her focus on God and cried out to Him knowing that He cared for her and her hardships. As Christians, we are promised trouble in this life, but praise the Lord that we have hope. We have hope in the fact that God cares for us. We have hope knowing that He is mighty to be able to answer our prayers. Praise the Lord that Hebrews 11:6b says, “He proves to be One who rewards those who seek Him.” I’m really looking forward to being more intentional in my prayers for others and ministry and being more faithful to pray for God to work mightily!"
For more information about our Kainos summer events, click here!