Emotions: A Biblical View

"There is an appointed time for everything. And there is a time for every event under heaven"

Ecclesiastes 3:1

Did you know that God is emotional?

It’s true! God made emotions to be good, but often, we lose control of them or see them as a hindrance in our lives. However, every circumstance is appointed by God, and there are appropriate emotions for each moment (Ecclesiastes 3:1). How can we have the right understanding of emotions and use them for God?

Our book, Emotions: A Biblical View, was written by five women to discuss how to think biblically about emotions like sorrow, joy, envy, and more! Find out more by inviting our speakers to speak on Emotions: A Biblical View and teach women how to use their emotions to glorify God!

"Knowing the appropriate time to feel emotions will come more and more easily as you grow closer to God. As you're walking with God, reading His Word, and praying always, your emotions will begin to sync with God's. At this point, you will be able to use your emotions as a tool and not be overwhelmed or captivated by them. Learn to lean on the help of the Holy Spirit to control your emotions. Examine yourself and your emotions to see where your heart is and what you need to do to reflect God's image and have your emotions based on love and righteousness!"

 Chapter 1 - "Emotional God"

Meet the Authors of Emotions: A Biblical View

Hannah Grant

Hannah grew up loving to read and was excited to write about biblical emotions! Working on this project increased her excitement to use what God gave her to His glory, including her emotions! Hannah is working on several other books on biblical living, produces the YouTube channel Captivated by Him, and is featured on Identifying God’s Best. She enjoys encouraging other women and teaching them about the Lord.

Alisa Jean

Alisa used to think she was not an emotional person, but God showed her how easily ungodly emotions can seep in and how to combat that using God's Word! Through various serving opportunities at her church in San Diego, like book writing and filming YouTube videos for Captivated by Him, God has grown her heart to utilize not only her emotions but her life for others and for Him.

Judy Shyu

Judy serves at Redeemer's Grace Church in San Diego and has been a writer and editor for various book projects since 2017. Writing Emotions: A Biblical View has revealed the ways she struggles with controlling her emotions and using them to honor the Lord, but it has grown her in many ways like fighting anxiety, finding joy in trials, and being Spirit-led rather than led by her emotions.

Michelle Lu

Michelle had long been motivated by competition with others until God gave her the opportunity to write a chapter about envy. Since then, He has helped her replace her selfish ambition with ambition for Him, whether in her work as a Speech Language Pathologist or in serving on the women's ministry team at her church! Michelle and her husband love using their resources and talents to serve God and others.

Joanna Poon

Joanna and her husband encourage couples through their example in marriage and their YouTube channel, The Biblical Couple. Joanna loves being a homemaker and mother to Samuel and Roee. Writing Emotions: A Biblical View taught her that life is about revering and being amazed at God’s character and deeds. She wants to build up the next generation to honor God by discipling other women and building her own home.

The Impact of Emotions: A Biblical View

Lisa, a sister at Redeemer's Grace Church, shares about the encouraging impact of Emotions: A Biblical View:
"Reading Emotions: A Biblical View has changed my life immensely as emotions are often not talked about, but something that women struggle with daily and even hourly. This book covers topics from jealousy and contentment to physical aspects of emotions and suffering for Christ. After reading this book, I realized that I no longer have to live enslaved to bad emotions like envy and discontentment, but I can be victorious over these sins in my life through Christ and His perfect example of godly emotions!"

Invite our Speakers

The authors of Emotions: A Biblical View are excited to teach women about God’s good design for emotions! They have spoken on Emotions: A Biblical View in various parts of the world, including New Zealand, San Ramon, Los Angeles, and San Diego. By teaching biblical messages revolving around the book's theme of emotions, they have helped many women fight against sinful emotions and rightly use their emotions for God!

If you are interested in having the authors of Emotions: A Biblical View teach at an event, workshop, retreat, or conference for the women at your church, please fill out the contact form below for more information.

Questions? Contact us!