
A Father's Influence

Event Recap

In the first Cornerstone lesson of the school year, Charissa taught on our earthly fathers’ influence and how it affects ourselves, our view of love and relationships, and our view of God.

Charissa began her lesson by sharing the different types of fathers which included absent, passive, demanding, enabling, and good. She then shared about the father’s role in the family and how he models our understanding of men and God as our Heavenly Father.

When a father acts aloof and distant, it leads his daughter to desire attention and believe that God is not intimate and personal. They may look for love in the first guy that looks at them with interest instead of waiting for a godly man. If a father is controlling, it may influence his daughter to want control and be a perfectionist. She may want to control the relationship she is in instead of submitting because she does not see God as sovereign and in control of all things.
In order to combat wrong thinking, Charissa reminded us that God is not a bigger version of our earthly fathers. While our earthly fathers may be aloof, controlling, or enabling, our God is the perfect Father, and His love for us is also perfect. She concluded by encouraging us to dwell on the truth in John 3:16 and how God’s love for us is vast and unconditional. She urged the women to look to God’s love instead of looking for love in other people.

Let us learn to identify our fathers' influence in our thinking patterns and combat them with biblical truths like God's love for us and how He is the perfect heavenly Father! 

Event Testimonial

Here's what our sister Vanessa learned:
"The long-anticipated Cornerstone lesson, A Father’s Influence, really influenced my thinking about my struggles today. It is so profound to think about how God has designed a father’s role to accomplish His specific purpose in the home and when this responsibility is thwarted or neglected, it has a tremendous impact - good and bad. I was sobered to examine my own life and be confronted by my father issues of seeing love as something that needs to be earned and failing to be confident in God’s unconditional love for me because of Christ in me. I have come to view correction as criticism rather than love and easily get discouraged when I fail or sin. I am reminded of what comfort there is in the nearness of God, for He is ever-present and all-knowing. In Charissa’s lesson, what stood out to me was the hope and joy there is in meditating on the love of God - how can I earn His love when I already have it (1 John 3:1)? I am thankful for this lesson in revealing to me how wayward my thinking is and how there are so many truths in Scripture that I can arm myself with daily!"
Here is a promotional video for A Father's Influence:
To listen to the lesson, please click here!

For more information about our Cornerstone series, click here!