Designed for Beauty

God is Most Beautiful

Event Recap

It was an encouraging time learning from God’s Word with the lesson titled, “God is Most Beautiful.” Alisa taught us that God is the standard of beauty and as people who know Him, we can reflect how beautiful He is through how we think about Him. She encouraged us to consider how everything we do reveals what we think about God. We went through three ways where we thought about God wrongly before we were saved and how we can view God as most beautiful now because He has revealed who He is through saving us! 

First, in the past, we viewed God as a harsh master which led to fear and legalism. But because we are made new, we can see God as most beautiful because He is a loving Father. We can view Him rightly and fear rightly knowing that He showed compassion and loved us even when we were sinners (1 John 4:18, Psalm 103:13). Second way in which we saw God wrongly before was that we thought God was permissive of sin and paid no heed to it. In reality, we should be sensitive to God’s holiness, knowing that He is intolerant of sin (Psalm 5:4-7). We should have no association with anything that is impure and abide in His holiness. Third, before we were saved, we also thought God withholds what is good. We had a wrong understanding of God thinking He was stingy and didn't care for us. However, we know that God is good and gives us the best as His children and we can be content in all circumstances (Romans 8:28). 

Alisa ended the lesson off with Psalm 27:4 to encourage us in loving the Lord and beholding His beauty. Sisters, let us pursue holiness and righteousness through a right knowledge of how beautiful our God is! 

Event Testimonial

Here's what our sister, Lisa, learned:

""Everything you do reveals what you think about God."
Psalm 27:4 says "One thing I have asked from the LORD, that I shall seek: That I may dwell in the house of the LORD all the days of my life, To behold the beauty of the LORD And to meditate in His temple."
Designed for Beauty was such a wonderfully planned, well thought-out event! Everything from the beauty of the decor, the wonderful discussion, and most importantly, the teaching of God’s Holy Word - portraying God as who He really is: A loving Father that is intolerant of sin and gives the best. My life should reflect, in every way, that I view God as such! When I am anxious or worried, being tolerant of sin, and discontent with my life, I am viewing God as the exact opposite of who He shows Himself to be! My application is to behold Christ and use milestones in my day to continually remember Him and live a life consistent with who my God is as a result!
To listen to the lesson, please click here!

For more information about Designed for Beauty, click here!