Women of Gold

Joy of Submission

Event Recap

At Joy of Submission, the women had a great time learning about God’s unique and distinct design for us in submission and how it is beautiful, precious, and reflects Christ.

Alyssa began the lesson by addressing the world’s perception of submission as degrading and demeaning. However, God has designed women and men’s roles to be distinct and different, but equally important and significant. The unique roles of men and women complement one another and reflect the likeness of our triune God, whose three persons each have a distinct but equal role!

She continued by defining submission as a heart attitude where we acknowledge and willingly place ourselves under God-given authorities with joy and humility. Alyssa encouraged us to consider Christ‘s submission to the Father’s will (Philippians 2:3-8), and we can follow Christ’s example by walking in the Lord, understanding His will, and being Spirit-filled (Ephesians 5:15-21).

First, we can walk in the Lord by keeping His commandments (1 John 5:3). He commands us to submit to authorities like our earthly fathers, elders, and husbands, and we ought to do so joyfully in submission to God. We are also called to submit to one another by sacrificing our energy and time for the benefit of one another (Ephesians 5:21). Second, we are to understand the will of the Lord and trust in Him regardless of circumstances. Knowing that God is working all things for good (Romans 8:28), we can submit joyfully to the authorities in our lives. Third, we are to be Spirit-filled and worship God, give thanks, and submit to others knowing that God always gives His daughters the best!

After, Caroline taught us how to be efficient in the kitchen through being forward thinking, wise, and teachable. She offered practical tips like using appliances such as a food processor or dishwasher to reduce prep and clean up time. She also suggested making foods that take less time to cook, cleaning up as you cook, and minimizing how many dishes are used.

We have such great opportunities as women to fulfill God’s design through submission and to glorify Him in our daily lives. Let us grow in being women who trust in the Lord, desire to do His will, and obey His commandments! 

Event Testimonial

Here is what our sister Karmi learned:
Alyssa’s lesson "Joy of Submission" was so encouraging and applicable. It was packed with truths for me to apply. She laid the foundation by pointing out that we submit to God first and foremost and that is the source of all order and authorities. This really reminds me to respect the authorities in my life and think of them as God-given roles for my protection and embrace God’s design. Also I love her examples of what it looks like to be a submissive wife. Wives are commanded to submit to their own husbands with joy (Eph 5:22-23)! Sometimes I submit verbally, but inside I know I’m not at peace, still grumbling about it. That’s not true submission! I will follow Christ’s perfect example of joyful submission and be on guard with my thoughts when I submit. Look forward to the next women’s event at RGC!

Here’s a promotional video for Joy of Submission:

To listen to the lesson, please click here!

For more information about our Women of Gold series, click here!