Motherhood Together

San Diego Botanic Garden

Event Recap

The moms had a great time enjoying God’s creation at the Botanical Gardens of San Diego! We got to see a variety of greenery and flowers that God has wonderfully created as well as hear a devotional from God’s Word. Beginning our devotional theme titled “Defining Characteristics of a Mother,” Andrea used 1 John 4:7-12 to teach us how a good mom is one who loves.

Agape love, as seen in 1 John 4:7, is the highest form of love. It describes the love of God which is an active, unconditional and joyful sacrifice of self for the sake of others. As moms, we are familiar with the idea of sacrificial love for our children like keeping them out of danger or sacrificing our time for our children. But how can we actually define love?

First, agape love is not just a feeling, but an active choice. We see this example through God who loved us and sent His only Son to save us from our sins (1 John 4:10). Second, love is not based on whether someone deserves love, but unconditionally given. God loves us when there is nothing good about us (Romans 5:8). And lastly, love does not expect anything in return, but is freely given. We can never repay this gift of salvation through Christ, but God gave it freely anyway because of His love.

If you have received God’s love through trusting in His Son to save us, you are able to show that same agape love to your children! So as mothers, instead of grumbling when we are tired from taking care of our children, how can we make the choice to treasure the gift of children God has given us? And even when our children throw a tantrum, let us not base our love on whether our kids deserve it. Rather, because God chose to give us love when we were unworthy of it, we can show the same selfless love to our children. If our children are still not listening, we can be patient and understanding because our love is not contingent on what they give us, but based on God’s unchanging and freely given love.

We know that this kind of love is impossible without God. But praise God we can receive this kind of perfect love from Him and that through Him we can love others as well! 

Event Testimonial

Here is what our sister, Reynah, learned: 

"It was such a wonderful blessing to attend the Motherhood Together outing to the San Diego Botanical Garden. The time we had of fellowship in such a beautiful and calm place was spiritually refreshing to me! The devotional shared by sister Andrea on “The Loving Mom” was encouraging and it challenged me to examine the way I express and give love as a mother. She expanded on three main points of agape love: 1. Agape love is not a feeling but an active choice. 2. It is an unconditional love regardless of merit. 3. Love that is freely given without the expectation of getting something in return.

I have been applying this devotional by pursuing some of the interests that one of my daughters has in order to nurture and strengthen our relationship. And with my other daughter, I would like to grow in my consistency of reading scripture to her and praying with her. Praise God for the abundance of opportunities he provides through motherhood to learn and grow in love for our children!"
For more information about Motherhood Together outings, click here!