Event Recap

At our Friday Night Study on the topic “Mountains to Molehills,” Sara taught us how to have a God-centered perspective so we can turn mountains—difficult circumstances in our lives—into molehills! To be steadfast despite circumstances is not only an opportunity to witness to unbelievers around us, but it also encourages fellow believers to praise God for His work in our lives! Conversely, when we are overwhelmed by our circumstances, we not only lose effectiveness but fail to exalt God.
Through the example of King Jehoshaphat in 2 Chronicles 20:1-30, we learned that trusting in God is key to turning mountains into molehills. In 2 Chronicles 20, King Jehoshaphat learns his city is being attacked and turns to the Lord in prayer (2 Chronicles 20:3). Rather than panicking, he implores his citizens to trust in God’s immutable character, such as His sovereignty, faithfulness, and omnipotence (2 Chronicles 20:4-13). Immediately, the people praise and worship God because they were confident in His character and promises (2 Chronicles 20:14-22).
When we are tempted to react emotionally to our circumstances, let us be quick to catch ourselves! Choose to trust in God by reminding ourselves of His unchanging attributes. Additionally, we can trust in His sovereign answer to our prayers, and see every moment as an opportunity to worship and praise Him for His work in our lives! Let us not be focused on ourselves and our circumstances, but keep our eyes continually focused on God!
Through the example of King Jehoshaphat in 2 Chronicles 20:1-30, we learned that trusting in God is key to turning mountains into molehills. In 2 Chronicles 20, King Jehoshaphat learns his city is being attacked and turns to the Lord in prayer (2 Chronicles 20:3). Rather than panicking, he implores his citizens to trust in God’s immutable character, such as His sovereignty, faithfulness, and omnipotence (2 Chronicles 20:4-13). Immediately, the people praise and worship God because they were confident in His character and promises (2 Chronicles 20:14-22).
When we are tempted to react emotionally to our circumstances, let us be quick to catch ourselves! Choose to trust in God by reminding ourselves of His unchanging attributes. Additionally, we can trust in His sovereign answer to our prayers, and see every moment as an opportunity to worship and praise Him for His work in our lives! Let us not be focused on ourselves and our circumstances, but keep our eyes continually focused on God!
Event Testimonial
Here's what our sister, Hannah E, learned:
"It was really encouraging to see the example of King Jehoshaphat in 2 Chronicles 20—he was faced with a situation that he could have easily turned into a mountain of worry and anxiousness. However, his first inclination was to stop and pray. He didn’t trust in his own abilities or skills to get himself out of the situation. Instead, he directed his attention to God; he went to the very source of true comfort and peace. But Jehoshaphat didn’t just pray an empty, half-hearted prayer—he prayed with trust and confidence in God’s sovereignty, faithfulness, mercy, omniscience, and so many other attributes. Following Jehoshaphat’s example, I want to turn to prayer right away when I am faced with circumstances in which I am tempted to worry. I’m so thankful that I have every reason to be confident in His character and to praise Him for His perfections, which do not change even in the midst of ever-changing circumstances."