7 Principles for
Godly Relationships

But like the Holy One who called you, be holy yourselves also in all your behavior; because it is written, “You shall be holy, for I am holy.”
1 Peter 1:15-16

Ladies, have you ever wondered about what you should be looking for in Christian men? Men, have you ever thought about the godly qualities that you should strive for before a relationship? Written from two biblical perspectives, this guide is a helpful and succinct resource that will hopefully steer you in the right direction. May you discover, and help others discover, what it means to wholly honor God in the pursuit of godly romantic relationships!

Format: Kindle (available on Amazon)

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Meet the Authors

Pastor Bruce Loh

Bruce is currently serving as one of the elders at Redeemer’s Grace Church. He is passionate about teaching the Word of God accurately without making any compromises. He desires to live a life all out for the Lord, so that those around him may be influenced towards greater Christlikeness. Bruce is happily married to Amy. Together, they have three lovely children: Hailey, Reina, and Aiden.

Hannah Grant

The 7 Principles for Godly Relationships was Hannah’s first publication. She is currently serving as a teacher and writer at Redeemers Grace Church. Hannah loves writing and creating biblical content that addresses areas which many Christians may not consider such as having a biblical view on dating, emotions, how to live a significant life, and more. Hannah seeks to continually grow in her love for God and to encourage others to consider the Lord and worshipfully acknowledge Him during their day.


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