Event Recap

The women had a great time of fellowship and hearing God’s Word taught at Friday Night Study! Alisa taught on the topic “Spiritual Strength Amidst Physical Suffering,” where she began by addressing that while physical suffering affects our physical vessels, it does not need to affect our spiritual health. It is a spiritual choice we have to make our body our slave and have a strong faith in God even when our bodies may be weak (1 Corinthians 9:27). Through the testimonies of people who have endured physical suffering, we learned how we can be spiritually strong through living in light of who God is, what He is teaching us, and how He uses us even in our physical weakness.
First, we know that we can live in light of who God is through the example of Job. Job’s life was filled with trials, loss, and physical suffering, but Alisa taught us that trials are ultimately neutral! Trials are a test in which we can choose to either weaken our faith or grow our faith, and our response to trials reveals the quality of our faith! In Job 38-39, we see God reminding Job of His power, omniscience, and dominion over the whole universe. In response, we see Job was a man of integrity and faith because He knew who God was and held fast to that knowledge.
Second, we see how God can use our physical weaknesses for His glory. The life of Epaphroditus demonstrates a joy to serve the church and to care for those around him even when he was physically weak and worn (Philippians 2:25–30). Epaphroditus loved the Philippian church and rejoiced in how God was working with those around him.
Third, we see that God is teaching us even in our physical weaknesses through the example of Fanny Crosby. She lost her sight at a young age, but she knew that God was good and learned genuine thankfulness and contentment for her weakness. She went on to be ambitious with the gifts God gave her for His glory through writing poems and hymns.
Fourth, we know that God can use our weaknesses as seen through the life of Betsie Ten Boom during the Holocaust in a concentration camp. She embraced her weaknesses and gave thanks for each and every circumstance which encouraged others to dwell on God and look towards the hope of eternity!
Through the lives of these saints, we see that they gathered spiritual strength because their focus was on God - His authority, His goodness, His headship of the church, and much more! For those who are not enduring physical suffering, Alisa encouraged them to be examples of hope and to grow in their thoughtfulness and compassion for others through sharing truth and offering to help where they can (1 Thessalonians 5:11).
First, we know that we can live in light of who God is through the example of Job. Job’s life was filled with trials, loss, and physical suffering, but Alisa taught us that trials are ultimately neutral! Trials are a test in which we can choose to either weaken our faith or grow our faith, and our response to trials reveals the quality of our faith! In Job 38-39, we see God reminding Job of His power, omniscience, and dominion over the whole universe. In response, we see Job was a man of integrity and faith because He knew who God was and held fast to that knowledge.
Second, we see how God can use our physical weaknesses for His glory. The life of Epaphroditus demonstrates a joy to serve the church and to care for those around him even when he was physically weak and worn (Philippians 2:25–30). Epaphroditus loved the Philippian church and rejoiced in how God was working with those around him.
Third, we see that God is teaching us even in our physical weaknesses through the example of Fanny Crosby. She lost her sight at a young age, but she knew that God was good and learned genuine thankfulness and contentment for her weakness. She went on to be ambitious with the gifts God gave her for His glory through writing poems and hymns.
Fourth, we know that God can use our weaknesses as seen through the life of Betsie Ten Boom during the Holocaust in a concentration camp. She embraced her weaknesses and gave thanks for each and every circumstance which encouraged others to dwell on God and look towards the hope of eternity!
Through the lives of these saints, we see that they gathered spiritual strength because their focus was on God - His authority, His goodness, His headship of the church, and much more! For those who are not enduring physical suffering, Alisa encouraged them to be examples of hope and to grow in their thoughtfulness and compassion for others through sharing truth and offering to help where they can (1 Thessalonians 5:11).
Event Testimonial
Here's what our sister, Jann, learned:
"Friday night study was a lot of fun learning more about how we can have spiritual strength in our day to day, especially in the midst of my physical limitations. One thing that I took away from Alisa’s lesson was from the character study of Job. An application that I have is to not only grow in my prayer for understanding God’s authority and wisdom in my life, but also reading through the book of Job again to grow even more in my confidence that God knows best even when I don’t have a clear answer of why things are happening the way they are. Ultimately, I can trust that the Lord is growing me to be humble to His will, and His sovereign plan in my life and not letting my physical limitations hinder me from effectively and creatively serving Him! "
"Friday night study was a lot of fun learning more about how we can have spiritual strength in our day to day, especially in the midst of my physical limitations. One thing that I took away from Alisa’s lesson was from the character study of Job. An application that I have is to not only grow in my prayer for understanding God’s authority and wisdom in my life, but also reading through the book of Job again to grow even more in my confidence that God knows best even when I don’t have a clear answer of why things are happening the way they are. Ultimately, I can trust that the Lord is growing me to be humble to His will, and His sovereign plan in my life and not letting my physical limitations hinder me from effectively and creatively serving Him! "