Event Recap

The women had a fun time in the sun as well as an encouraging time in God’s Word at Stretching on Sunshine! It was a great opportunity to get active through some fun competitive relays involving verse memorization, teamwork, and stretching!
At the event, we heard an encouraging testimonial from our sister, Vanessa, on how she has seen God answer her prayers. Specifically, she shared about how God has given her friend Sofia enough energy to come to events despite health issues. In addition, Vanessa has seen how God has been working in her life to help her be more faithful with ministry.
Following Vanessa’s testimonial, Jann taught us a short lesson titled “Dependence on God’s Grace.” She defined grace as God’s favor to the unworthy and encouraged us that without an understanding of grace, we cannot be humble (Ephesians 2:8-9). Through the life of Paul, we see his dependence and security in God and His grace (1 Corinthians 15:10). He was confident in God and in His power to work in him. This is encouraging for us to ultimately boast in our weakness, so that His grace may be displayed (2 Corinthians 12:9). Humility is not meant to be self-deprecating or independent because that is false humility and pride. False humility is becoming so focused on our own man-made standards that we lose sight of God’s grace and His work on the cross.
Jann encouraged us to see the church as the means of grace where they encourage us to live according to God’s standard, bear our burdens, and strengthen our faith. In addition, we can grow in our dependence on His grace through dwelling on God’s character, growing in thankfulness, and praying constantly to cling onto His grace!
Stretching on Sunshine was such a blast and we look forward to seeing you at our next summer event!
At the event, we heard an encouraging testimonial from our sister, Vanessa, on how she has seen God answer her prayers. Specifically, she shared about how God has given her friend Sofia enough energy to come to events despite health issues. In addition, Vanessa has seen how God has been working in her life to help her be more faithful with ministry.
Following Vanessa’s testimonial, Jann taught us a short lesson titled “Dependence on God’s Grace.” She defined grace as God’s favor to the unworthy and encouraged us that without an understanding of grace, we cannot be humble (Ephesians 2:8-9). Through the life of Paul, we see his dependence and security in God and His grace (1 Corinthians 15:10). He was confident in God and in His power to work in him. This is encouraging for us to ultimately boast in our weakness, so that His grace may be displayed (2 Corinthians 12:9). Humility is not meant to be self-deprecating or independent because that is false humility and pride. False humility is becoming so focused on our own man-made standards that we lose sight of God’s grace and His work on the cross.
Jann encouraged us to see the church as the means of grace where they encourage us to live according to God’s standard, bear our burdens, and strengthen our faith. In addition, we can grow in our dependence on His grace through dwelling on God’s character, growing in thankfulness, and praying constantly to cling onto His grace!
Stretching on Sunshine was such a blast and we look forward to seeing you at our next summer event!
Event Testimonial
Here is a testimonial for our sister, Jenn, learned:
"I was really encouraged by what Jann shared about how God's grace is intrinsically tied to humility - that we aren't being truly humble until we understand that we don't deserve anything that God has given us. It puts into perspective the times that I have a defeatist attitude and feel angry that I've messed up. Beating myself up isn't humility but pride in my own abilities. As Jann taught, we can rejoice even in our weaknesses as they are opportunities to be truly humble and rely on God's strength in prayer rather than our own. I want to apply this by reflecting on God's grace each day so that the next time I fail, I can quickly repent and turn to praise rather than disappointment."
"I was really encouraged by what Jann shared about how God's grace is intrinsically tied to humility - that we aren't being truly humble until we understand that we don't deserve anything that God has given us. It puts into perspective the times that I have a defeatist attitude and feel angry that I've messed up. Beating myself up isn't humility but pride in my own abilities. As Jann taught, we can rejoice even in our weaknesses as they are opportunities to be truly humble and rely on God's strength in prayer rather than our own. I want to apply this by reflecting on God's grace each day so that the next time I fail, I can quickly repent and turn to praise rather than disappointment."
For more information about Kainos Summer, click here!