The Heart of Gift-Giving

What makes a great gift-giver? Is it having money, knowing the latest trends, or shopping at your friends’ favorite store?

The great Reformer Martin Luther once said, “The heart of the giver makes the gift dear and precious.” How can we cultivate a heart that joyfully gives to others to the glory of God?

3 Biblical Attitudes for the Gift-Giver

What are some of the biblical attitudes that motivate our gift-giving?


“Be devoted to one another in brotherly love; give preference to one another in honor;” Romans 12:10

The biblical gift-giver is devoted to loving others because of God’s love for us! God chose to love us not because of our greatness or anything we could give Him, but simply out of His perfect love and will. Understanding God’s great love leads us to love Him, which outpours into a love for our friends (1 John 4:11)! When we are motivated by a love for God, we can give sacrificially and unconditionally to our friends, not basing our gifts on their merit or what they have done for us. We don’t have to wait for a special occasion, but we should always have an attitude of giving preference and regarding others as more important than ourselves (Philippians 2:3)!

The biblical gift-giver cherishes their friends and reflects God’s love for them! Consider how God has intentionally made each and every person and is actively causing all things to work together for good to those who love Him (Psalm 139, Romans 8)! Giving gifts is just one way to show love to your friend and share in the unique ways God is working in their life!


“Whatever you do in word or deed, do all in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks through Him to God the Father.” Colossians 3:17

The Christian gift-giver can first recognize that before we are gift-givers, we are God’s gift-recipients! Anything that we can give to others pales in comparison to the gifts God has given us.

God has granted many unmerited gifts to the Christian: salvation (Romans 6:23), the help of the Holy Spirit (John 14:26-27), adoption as God’s children (Romans 8:15), gifts to serve the church (Ephesians 4:7), and so much more! In fact, “every good thing given and every perfect gift” is from God, who gives out of His unchanging and perfect character (James 1:17). As our sovereign and loving Father, He knows what is best for our lives and graciously gives us even more than we can ask or think.

Meditating on God’s abundant grace toward us compels us to give thanks in “whatever we do in word or deed” (Colossians 3:17)! When it comes specifically to our gift-giving, we have the opportunity to give out of thanksgiving to God for all the gifts He has given us!


“Remember the words of the Lord Jesus, that He Himself said, ‘It is more blessed to give than to receive.’” Acts 20:35b

Biblical generosity is not measured by monetary value but reflects and responds to the generosity of God! Not only did Christ teach that it is a blessing to give, but He Himself came “to serve, and to give His life a ransom for many” (Matthew 20:28). If God gave even His own Son, what confidence and comfort we have in His generosity and grace toward us (Romans 8:32)! God’s generosity isn’t based on what we can give Him, but it is His nature to be generous.

Looking to God’s gracious generosity towards us spurs us on in giving freely, joyfully, and sacrificially to others! The Christian can see that it is a blessing to give, not giving gifts under obligation, expecting repayment, or while seeking to earn a reputation. Instead, the Christian is satisfied in pleasing the Lord, who loves a cheerful giver (2 Corinthians 9:7)! As we remember how much we have been given by the Lord, what a joy it is to share what we have with others!

3 Practical Tips for Gift-Giving

As we grow in having a heart of thanksgiving, generosity, and love in our gift-giving, here are some practical tips for thoughtfully considering what gift to give!

1. Plan ahead

  • Rather than just grabbing a last-minute gift out of obligation, prayerfully and proactively consider the opportunities you have to build up and love your friend!
  • Don’t limit thinking about gifts to just before certain occasions. Keep a running list of gift ideas you would like to give to your friend! 
    • As you learn more about your friends throughout the year, you can also write down a list of their specific likes/dislikes, things that they may find useful or enjoy, or other notes that help add a personal touch to your gifts! 

2. Pay attention

  • Getting a great gift can start with simply being observant! These are some example questions you can ask yourself: 
    • What does your friend like or dislike?
    • What do they want to grow in or learn more about?
    • What have they been asking for prayer for? 
    • What have they been struggling and needing help with?
    • What have they been celebrating and rejoicing in?

3. Present with purpose

  • Consider the spiritual impact your gift can have! Can this gift help you:
    • Praise God together for His work in your friend’s life? (Psalm 34:3)
    • Refresh their spirit? (1 Corinthians 16:18)
    • Stir them up towards greater love and good works? (Hebrews 10:24)
    • Serve them? (Galatians 5:13)
    • Comfort them with God’s comfort? (1 Corinthians 1:4)
    • Put God’s Word into their lives? (Colossians 3:16)

Gift Ideas!

Ready to give, but don’t know what? Here are some outside the (gift) box ideas to help you get started!
  • Experiences: Gift them time spent together doing something they like! Plan a day trip, a hike, or a night in with friends! This also provides great opportunities for fellowship and growing in friendship! 
  • Food: “Man does not live by bread alone” -- but it can still be appreciated! Treat them to a meal, cook for them, or bake them a treat! Get them a month’s (or several months’) supply of their favorite snack! Even better, follow  it up by sharing about God’s Word together as you share your edible creations!
  • DIY: Apply your skills and creativity to craft something personalized, intentional, and one-of-a-kind! Some ideas are hand-lettered verse cards or hymn lyrics, paintings, needlecrafts, woodworking, clay figurines or pottery, or 3D printing!
  • Thrift treasures: Not everyone will appreciate pre-owned merchandise, but if your friend loves all things vintage, try hitting up estate sales to curate some gifts with history! 
  • Prayer: You can always give the greatest gift of prayer, whenever and consistently throughout the year! Pray specifically by considering what is happening in their life and what they want to grow in spiritually. You can also pray for God to grow you in being a blessing to them! Take the opportunity to follow up on their prayer requests and praise God together for how He answers!

Printable Resource

This practical training has also been developed into a physical pamphlet. If you’d like to print one out for yourself, see below!