Event Recap

The women had an encouraging time at Friday Night Study learning how to view our regrets in light of who God is and His character! To begin, Michelle talked about how there are times when our regrets may not be sinful or we may feel regret when we have already repented. However, she encouraged us to pinpoint the heart issue behind our regret. Rather than doubting who God is, as Christian women, we are to rest in God’s gracious ways and sovereignty (Lamentations 3:37-38)! Often, we make our sins out to be bigger than God, but we are vessels of His grace and can rejoice at how He uses these circumstances in our lives.
However, in most cases, our regrets stem from an unrepentant sin. Through studying 2 Corinthians 7:9-11, we found that regret leads to bondage of self, acceptance of sin, fear of everything besides God, distancing from God, complacency, and acceptance of injustice. Regret without repentance weighs you down and it burdens your soul. However, true repentance is characterized by vindication, indignation against sin, fear of God, longing for God, zeal for God, and earnestness!
Throughout the lesson, Michelle contrasted regret and repentance, and how godly repentance leads to a clear conscience and turning away from sin. Sin and regret hold us captive to our many fears and ungodly emotions which lead to destruction, a wrong understanding of God, and an incomplete view of forgiveness. Rather, we should draw near to God and long for the refreshment we can find in Him. She encouraged us to consider God’s love for us in His complete forgiveness and find joy in the refreshment of discipline (1 John 1:9, Revelation 3:17-18). Let us seek to be zealous for God and press on towards the upward call of Christ rather than living in the past (Philippians 3:12-14)!
However, in most cases, our regrets stem from an unrepentant sin. Through studying 2 Corinthians 7:9-11, we found that regret leads to bondage of self, acceptance of sin, fear of everything besides God, distancing from God, complacency, and acceptance of injustice. Regret without repentance weighs you down and it burdens your soul. However, true repentance is characterized by vindication, indignation against sin, fear of God, longing for God, zeal for God, and earnestness!
Throughout the lesson, Michelle contrasted regret and repentance, and how godly repentance leads to a clear conscience and turning away from sin. Sin and regret hold us captive to our many fears and ungodly emotions which lead to destruction, a wrong understanding of God, and an incomplete view of forgiveness. Rather, we should draw near to God and long for the refreshment we can find in Him. She encouraged us to consider God’s love for us in His complete forgiveness and find joy in the refreshment of discipline (1 John 1:9, Revelation 3:17-18). Let us seek to be zealous for God and press on towards the upward call of Christ rather than living in the past (Philippians 3:12-14)!
Event Testimonial
Here's what our sister, Josephine, learned:
"Friday Bible Study was SO FIRE! It was so encouraging to consider how we can practically turn an ungodly sorrow that leads to regret into a godly sorrow that leads to repetance. Something that was really convicting is seeing how my regret can often lead me to distance myself from God. However, if I recall that God is faithful to forgive and loving to teach us, I can be reminded of how I can draw ever closer to God in repentance! By doing so, I’m excited to continuing learning how to have a heart attitude of longing to learn about God and learning to long for God!"
"Friday Bible Study was SO FIRE! It was so encouraging to consider how we can practically turn an ungodly sorrow that leads to regret into a godly sorrow that leads to repetance. Something that was really convicting is seeing how my regret can often lead me to distance myself from God. However, if I recall that God is faithful to forgive and loving to teach us, I can be reminded of how I can draw ever closer to God in repentance! By doing so, I’m excited to continuing learning how to have a heart attitude of longing to learn about God and learning to long for God!"