Women of Gold


Event Recap

At Women of Gold, we learned from Kayleen a lesson titled “Discipline,” emphasizing how discipline is a valuable tool God has given us to live out our God-given purpose (1 Timothy 4:7-8). Kayleen began the lesson by defining discipline as “the ability to live based on principle rather than impulses by putting off hindrances and having a determined investment to pursue godliness.” She then walked us through the “training essentials” necessary for discipline and how to apply them in our lives.

The first training essential is the heart. Drawing from 1 Corinthians 9:24, Christians should be driven to action out of a love that comes from a living, personal relationship with our Creator. Second, we need to be self-controlled—the word for “competes” in 1 Corinthians 9:25 is the Greek root of the English word “agony” and conveys the idea of hard work and effort. We can choose to do what is best and sacrifice our privileges for the purpose of reaching our goal of greater godliness. Third, discipline requires focus. 1 Corinthians 9:26 emphasizes that the wreath we are pursuing is an imperishable one, and when a Christian is consistently focused on accomplishing God’s purpose, it leads to lasting joy and perseverance. The fourth training essential is dedication which is to make the conscious choice to put off hindrances and bring one’s impulses into subjection for a greater purpose (1 Corinthians 9:27). Lastly, the fifth training essential is dependence, as we cannot accomplish any of these things by ourselves but only through God’s grace and power in our lives (Galatians 5:22-23, 1 Corinthians 15:10).

Once we have all of our training essentials, we can run! We apply these principles by being disciplined in our minds (Romans 12:1-2), continuing to endure by making principled decisions even when we don’t see immediate fruit (Hebrews 12:1-2), and recognizing that the small, day-to-day decisions we make matter and have a lasting impact over time (Luke 16:10).

Additionally, we had a practical training session taught by our sister Jann! She showed us how we can use to-do lists to maximize our effectiveness (Matthew 6:33) and gave us tips for making to-do lists, such as brainstorming all the tasks we need to get done and organizing them into daily, weekly, or monthly schedules.

It is so encouraging and refreshing to know that living a disciplined life is not burdensome, but rather a joyful and ambitious pursuit of God’s purpose for our lives!

Event Testimonial

Here's what our sister, Christine D., learned:

"The Women of Gold event was very fun! It was good to hear from Kayleen about why being disciplined is so important and how to become more disciplined. The definition of Discipline was the “ability to live off of principle rather than impulses by putting off hindrances and having a determined investment to pursue godliness.” Kayleen further broke down the aspects of being disciplined into heart and application. I was especially encouraged to think about my day to day choices and whether each decision glorified God. I want to apply 1 Corinthians 9: 26-27, where my choices come with aim and focus in the pursuit of glorifying God and not to meander, make useless decisions, or comfort myself only. The imagery of grit, determination, effort and hard work made me realize where I was lacking and I am so excited to grow in my discipline by applying Jann’s practical training on To-do lists! Both teachers emphasized the heart of loving God, which is why I want to grow more in love with God through a continuing and dedicated study of the bible. That would mean giving up more of my leisurely activities to spend more time in His Word, which is something I am excited to do!"
To listen to the lesson, please click here.
To listen to the practical training, please click here.

For more information about Women of Gold, click here!