Women of Gold

Source of Courage

Event Recap

This year's theme for Women of Gold is "Women of Courage," and Kayleen kicked it off with the first lesson, "Source of Courage."

We began the event with a time of fellowship over delicious breakfast foods brought by the women. After, we heard a testimonial by Amy on the joys of motherhood as a a new mom of two daughters. She shared about how it has been a joy to grow in patience and dependence upon God's timing.

 Then Michelle began her lesson on “Source of Courage” by defining biblical courage as being of good cheer, alert, fortified, steadfast, and firm in following God by trusting in His character and will. She highlighted five attributes of God from Psalm 118 that will give us unwavering courage – God's benefit, righteousness, almighty hand, victory, and eternality. Knowing who God is and actively praying about His character will make us brave and courageous women in all circumstances!

Lastly, we had a practical training on how to create a cleaning schedule. Caroline taught us the value of cleaning which includes learning discipline, managing our time well, and growing in excellent service to be like the Proverbs 31 woman (Proverbs 31:27). Come over to our homes to see how we have been applying this training!

It was a great time of refreshment in the Word and fellowship! Hope to see you at the next Women of Gold event!

Event Testimonial

Here's what our sister Jessica learned:
"This past Saturday, I learned that courage is grounded in godly pursuits! We are to exhibit courage by being of good cheer, alert, fortified, steadfast and firm in following God by trusting in His character and will. From the many truths that Michelle shared, I want to meditate upon God's righteousness in being a woman of courage because His righteousness is a beacon of hope that gives us confidence! Through this confidence, I can be more courageous in taking steps and leaps in how I be even more aligned to His will in my daily life!"
Here's a promotional video for Source of Courage:
To listen to the lesson, please click here!

For more information about our Women of Gold series, click here!