Women of Gold

Courage to Speak

Event Recap

At “Courage to Speak,” the women learned from Alyssa about how to use words courageously to glorify the Lord, since they can have long-lasting effects on the lives of others. She taught that to be courageous in our speech is to not fear man’s opinions but to be bold, gracious, and joyful, speaking truth from God’s Word to build others up in godliness.

From Colossians 4:2-6, Alyssa explained that we ought to be women who “talk the walk” —not merely using words nor only using actions to glorify God, but using both to exemplify Christ to others. She encouraged us to have tongues that bless both God and men (James 3:9-10). Some aspects of doing so include speaking with words grounded in the truth of Scripture and speaking in a way that honors God rather than fearing others’ opinions. Towards Christians, that looks like using words that are not just nice and positive but purposeful and thoughtful, founded on biblical principles. When talking with non-Christians, speaking courageously means evangelizing because we want them to be saved. Alyssa also talked about speech towards husbands, how our words should be gentle and humble, reflecting the role of submission wives are graciously given by God. She concluded by encouraging us to be courageous to speak not like the world does but with a thick accent of the kingdom of God that will point others to Him.

Afterwards, Andrea shared some tips to feed a crowd like striving for a simple approach rather than perfection, allotting your time well by prepping ahead of time, and planning to be strategic with the tools you have.

It was a blessed time to once again consider the importance of being courageous in the Lord, drawing upon His strength to be bold for Him in our speech. May we be courageous to apply with the people in our lives. We can’t wait to see you at the next event!

Event Testimonial

Here's what our sister Jessica learned:
"It was a great time of fellowship over breakfast, being encouraged by a testimony our sister, Caroline, shared about the "Joy of Motherhood," hearing a lesson from Alyssa on "Courage to Speak," and learning tips by Andrea about "Recipes to Feed a Crowd"! Through the lesson Alyssa shared on the topic of "Courage to Speak," I was encouraged to consider how I can be courageous in my speech by being gracious in my speech (Colossians 4:6)! More specifically, I want to grow in being purposeful and thoughtful with my words in how I can encourage other sisters in the church. Andrea's tips were also very helpful for me to consider what kinds of recipes I should prepare for when I can have the opportunity to host people at my home! Overall, I am very grateful for the opportunity for us to gather together and learn more about how we can be pursuing godliness and excellence as women!
Here's a promotional video for Courage to Dress:
To listen to the lesson, please click here!

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