CAYS Doubt Night

“sanctify Christ as Lord in your hearts, always being ready to make a defense to everyone who asks you to give an account for the hope that is in you, yet with gentleness and reverence”
1 Peter 3:15

Doubt Night is a monthly topical study series where we tackle challenging and controversial questions pertaining to relevant social issues and the Christian worldview. If you’ve ever had doubts, or if you’re just looking to strengthen your understanding of God’s Word, we invite you to join us! Our Doubt Nights are held on the first Friday of each month during the school year, and we highly encourage you to use this event to outreach to friends and family!

Our last Doubt Night was on the topic of
"Is God a Democrat or a Republican?"

Past CAYS Doubt Nights

Is God a Democrat or a Republican?
May 10, 2024    Joseph Chang
Does society define good and evil?
Apr 12, 2024    Keon Peng
Do we have free will?
Mar 8, 2024    Andy Shi
Are all spiritual journeys the same?
Feb 2, 2024    Pastor Luke Shyu
Is God Real?
Jan 12, 2024    Joseph Chang
Does God talk to us today?
Nov 3, 2023    Pastor Luke Shyu
How does God help those contemplating suicide?
Oct 6, 2023    Sheng Poon
Is death the end?
May 12, 2023    Pastor Luke Shyu
Does God have a problem with sex?
Apr 7, 2023    Sheng Poon
How does God view violent tragedies?
Mar 3, 2023    Andy Shi
What Does God Say About Gender?
Feb 3, 2023    Pastor Luke Shyu
Who Deserves Heaven?
Jan 13, 2023    Andy Shi
What Does the Bible Say About Racism?
Dec 2, 2022    Raymond Lu
Is God Catholic or Protestant?
Nov 4, 2022    Pastor Luke Shyu
Can God Help My Depression?
Oct 7, 2022    Joshua Navarro
Can a Loving God Send People to Hell?
Apr 15, 2022    Andy Shi
Life vs. Choice
Mar 4, 2022    Pastor Luke Shyu
Why Am I So Depressed?
Feb 4, 2022    Sheng Poon
Does Science Disprove the Bible?
Jan 21, 2022    Joseph Chang
How Critical is Race Theory?
Dec 4, 2021    Raymond Lu
Are There Contradictions in the Bible?
Nov 5, 2021    Joshua Navarro
What is the Meaning of Life?
Oct 1, 2021    Pastor Luke Shyu
Can I Marry Who I Want?
Apr 2, 2021    Andy Shi    Doubt Night
Can I Be What I Want to Be?
Mar 12, 2021    Pastor Luke Shyu

Check out these other CAYS events!

Small Groups

Join a small group for a fun time of fellowship and learning from God’s Word! Our men’s and women’s small groups meet throughout the year and go through Christian books together!

Campus Evangelism

What better place to share the gospel than on UCSD campus? Throughout the year, we evangelize to the lost through outreach events and cold contact evangelism.

Flocks Bible Study

Join us on Fridays at 7:15 PM on UCSD Campus for deep-dive Bible studies as we go through the gospel of John as a group. Come with an appetite for God's Word and for fellowship!