Women's Conferences

At Redeemer’s Grace Church, we seek to encourage and equip women with solid biblical truths for daily Christian living through conferences where they can hear and be transformed by the Word of God. These conferences cover a wide variety of topics like understanding emotions biblically, fighting off sins and hindrances, and living significantly for the Lord.

Our speakers are available to speak at other churches as part of a women’s event, conference, retreat, or workshop! If you or other women you know are interested in hearing these messages, you can contact women@rgcsd.com. We would love to see Christian women throughout the world be encouraged by the teaching of God’s Word and to live wholeheartedly for Him!

Conference Themes

Emotions: A Biblical View

Joy and sorrow, love and hate – these are a few emotions every woman has felt at one point in time. With a wide spectrum of emotions that we can experience, we can often lose control of them or view them as a hindrance. But there are principles about emotions that God provides and clearly lays out in His Word! How can we have the right understanding of emotions and use them for God?

Monsters: The Things that Easily Beset Us

We all have monsters in our daily lives – sins and hindrances that easily entangle us. Whether it be bitterness and envy towards other women, laziness that keeps us from serving the Lord, or life-consuming boy-craziness, these monsters threaten to attack and render us ineffective for God every day. Rather than cowering in fear, how can we become monster hunters and live unhindered for God?

A Woman of Significance

We all only have one life to live here on earth, so how can we make it a significant one in the eyes of God? No matter what we do in this lifetime, it will all be vain and insignificant if it is lacking in one thing. From the smallest to the biggest things in life, as long as we are committed to this one principle, we can turn an insignificant life into a significant one. Do you want to know what this principle is?
Did you know the world around us is full of mesmerents? These mesmerents aim to entice us, lure us away from God, and trap us in false promises that bring shame, guilt, and self-destruction. However, as Christian women, we have hope through God's Word to see reality as it is! Do you want to resist these mysterious mesmerents and break free from their hypnotizing pull?


For each conference, our speakers are available to speak on a set list of topics. We request that food, housing, and airfare (if applicable), be provided but otherwise do not ask for compensation.

Questions? Contact us!