Women’s Conference

Mesmerent: Resisting Enticement

Mesmerents. The world around us is filled with things that look good but sell false, empty promises. They seek to hypnotize us, lure us away from God, and immobilize us spiritually by keeping us trapped in guilt, shame, and deceit. These mesmerents can make us feel hopeless, but there is hope.  We can learn to see mesmerents for what they are, resist their enticing pull, and have freedom from their hold on us.

We had an excellent weekend of good teaching and fellowship at Women’s Conference, on the theme of “A Woman of Significance.” Check out photos and a recap from this year’s Women’s Conference!
April 5-7, 2024

Palomar Christian Conference Center
34764 Doane Valley Rd, Palomar Mountain, CA 92060

Join us for the next Women's Conference happening April 2025! Stay tuned for more information!

Watch this promotional video for Women’s Conference!

Packing List

  • Clothing and shoes
    • Plan for cold days in the 40's and very cold nights in the 30's.
    • We will have a Campfire Q&A session outdoors on Saturday night. Come prepared with warm clothes and layers!
    • Bring shoes that you don't mind getting dirty. There are unpaved roads and hiking trails.
    • It is anticipated to rain, so bring an umbrella and clothing appropriate for the rain. 
    • Bring sunscreen, a hat, and clothes appropriate for outdoor activities.
  • Basics
    • Sleeping bag and pillow
    • Toiletries and medications
    • Towels
    • Shower slippers (if needed)
    • Hand sanitizer
  • Personal Essentials
    • Personal bag/backpack
    • Bible, journal, and pen for taking notes
    • Reusable water bottle
    • Flashlight

Driving Instructions

  • Palomar Christian Conference Center is located at 34764 Doane Valley Rd, Palomar Mountain, CA 92060.
  • The road is very winding and mountainous as you approach the campsite. So, please be careful, especially since some of you may be arriving at nighttime.
  • When you first drive into the campsite, you don't have to pay the fee at the booth at the front (it's located inside a state park) - just keep going until you arrive at the actual campsite. Parking is free!
  • Please see the attached document for more information as well.
  • Please DO NOT take the route using Nate Harrison Grade as it can be very dangerous to drive on. State Road/S6 is the safest route to the campsite.
  • Please be sure to get gas before you leave for Palomar as there are NO gas stations once you get on the mountain.

Additional Information

  • Check in begins at 7:00 PM on Friday, April 5, 2024. There will be a check in table in the parking lot.
  • Please eat dinner before you leave for Palomar as dinner will not be provided Friday night.
  • The first session starts at 8:20 PM on Friday, April 5, 2024.
  • If you have more questions, please visit our Women's Conference FAQ page or contact women@rgcsd.com.
  • Download the Women's Conference Official Handbook here.
  • Download a map of Palomar Christian Conference center here.



Regular Registration


Friday to Sunday


Friday and Saturday only


Saturday only
Fees include housing and meals.
Housing is provided on Friday and Saturday night.
Breakfast, lunch, and dinner are provided on Saturday, and breakfast and lunch are provided on Sunday.



Early Bird Registration: On or before February 11, 2024


Friday to Sunday


Friday and Saturday only


Saturday only

Regular Registration: After February 11, 2024


Friday to Sunday


Friday and Saturday only


Saturday only
Fees include housing and meals.
Housing is provided on Friday and Saturday night.
Breakfast, lunch, and dinner are provided on Saturday, and breakfast and lunch are provided on Sunday.

Want to learn more?

To learn more about Women's Conference, please check out our pages on past Women's Conferences. You can also contact us by filling out the form at the bottom of this page.

Mesmerent: Resisting Enticement
A Woman of Significance
Monsters: The Things that Easily Beset Us

Photos from Past Conferences

Questions? Contact us!